Friday, September 30, 2011

first post

Hi, I'm Aaron Ashmeade, I graduated from Olentangy Orange High school. I plan to major in exercise science, hopefully starting out here then transfering to main campus. I work at Kroger (alot) and when I'm not working I'll usually be either be at home or hanging out with friends.

I believe the author was extremely brave for sharing such a personal story. A lot of people when experiencing (or that have experienced) alcohol abuse from a parent aren't very open to talk about it and will usually try to convince themselves that it's not as bad as it really is because it's their parent. He probably felt that being one to step up and share a story like this is to get it out there that alcohol abuse is a problem, and a fairly common one at that. It's especially a big problem when it comes to families, because once somebody in the family begins to rely on alcohol they can become physically or mentally abusive to those around them, as seen in the story. What the author's mainly trying to get across to the reader is that alcohol abuse leads to many scarring or tragic scenarios that are continually created across the country.


  1. I agree with you that he wants to bring awareness to alcohol abuse. He was very brave and hopefully his essay will help bring out awareness!

  2. I agree with you that he wants to bring awareness to alcohol abuse. He was very brave and hopefully his essay will help bring out awareness!

  3. It really is incredible that the author shares a sequence of events that have ruined his life. He tried to save his children and have them understand his past.

  4. Yes, that is very true. I believe he did want to bring awareness to alcohol abuse that it not only effects the alcoholic but also everyone that is around them, especially their families. Physical and mental abuse is very common with alcoholics and he did a great job in the narrative describing how his fathers drinking effected his own family.
